麥茨機械(上海)有限公司成立于2012年, 坐落于國家級經濟技術開發區-上海市松江工業區,緻力于為廣大用戶提供專業的機電設備配套産品, 主要包括高品質的工業包膠輪, 工業電纜,清潔設備等高端機電産品;我們的客戶廣泛來自于汽車、工程機械、鋼鐵、機床加工、飛機制造、造紙、船舶、交通、模具等各類行業和領域;我們堅持“誠信為本,高端品質,專業服務,精益求精”的經營理念, 力求為每一位商業客戶及夥伴提供滿意的産品和服務。

Malz Machinery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, established in the year 2012 and located in Songjiang Industrial Zone, is endeavouring to offer professional industrial products for every customer. We are focusing on and selling high-quality mechanical and electrical products such as polyurethane wheels, cable and wires,cleaning equipment as well as many accessories  .  Our customers widely come from various industries like automotive, engineering machinery, tool machines, steel plant, paper-making, ship manufacturing, transportation, moulding,airports, and so on; We’ll uphold the concept “Keep promise, Top quality, Expertise service and Continuous improvement” so as to satisfy each of our business partners and customer with our products and service.











公司地址:上海市松江工業區松衛北路295号3幢陸國時代大廈609室     電話:021-37820887      傳真:021-51685076
Copyrights (c) Malz Machinery (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.. All Rights Reserved.